visual search in ecommerce

Visual Search in eCommerce: Why Important Now

Visual search in eCommerce. How is it going on today?

As experts predicted, visual search is on the rise now. Especially for brands and retailers. They have also seen how it improves customer experience a lot.

So, why do brands apply it today? Also, what can we learn from their efforts?

Read on to learn more.

Visual Search

Before we delve deeper, let’s discuss what visual search means.

In a nutshell, visual search helps you find what you see. But instead of typing words, you look for them using a photo.

Now, more and more people use it. Why? Because many search engines and even social media sites use it.

Also, a lot of eCommerce stores applied this to their online shop. So, shopping has never been this easier.

Gone are the days where we get frustrated because we can’t find something. No more irrelevant results, too!

If you want to shop online, all it takes is a snap. Even if you don’t know its name, you can also search for it.

So to help us understand better, let’s consider an example.

Visual Search in Daily Life

Let’s say you saw someone carrying a pretty handbag. And you want one just like it.

So, you tried to search for it online. But, you only got frustrated because you saw thousands of results. And none of them resembles the handbag you want!

But, notice how visual search turns tables.

Instead of typing keywords into the search bar, you can just take a picture of it. Then, you can immediately see something that resembles it well.

What’s more? You can also search using a photo that’s not yours. How so?

Let’s say you saw a celebrity wearing a nice dress. Typing words can be a challenge. Why?

Because we can sometimes run out of words to describe something. Also, how can you even describe the cloth used or the pattern?

But with visual search, everything is automatic! With the help of AI, you can upload a screenshot. Then, you’ll see that dress of your dreams.

So, how does this work in eCommerce? Let’s find out.

Visual Search in eCommerce

Today, the retail and eCommerce sector enjoy visual search the most. So, this tech grows to be more important than ever.

Imagine how it simplifies the shopping experience. So, customers would love to shop more from these stores.

The outfits you can see from movies. The furniture you see on dramas. It’s now more accessible to buy with just one click.

As mentioned earlier, it also reduces confusion. No need to spend time thinking about what to type. Or browsing through irrelevant results.

Also, it attracts more shoppers to a particular store. So, they can also invite more shoppers.

Thus, it widens the reach of a certain store. So, it also works as instant marketing.

This means that product discovery is easier. So, many people can see those offers. In return, the store will get more sales.


At the end of the day, brands and stores want to find more ways to earn. So, it’s vital to take advantage of visual search in eCommerce.

So, what do you think about this new technology? Is it here to stay?

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