how do i do a visual search

How Do I Do A Visual Search?

Are you one of those who wonder, “How do I do a visual search?” Besides, that term has been here for a while.

But before that, what is it? Also, how can it simplify our lives?

In this article, let’s learn more about visual search. Also, let’s consider its benefits.

We will also talk about how we can do a visual search. And discover what apps we can use to do so.

Read on to learn more.

What Is a Visual Search?

Visual search is a new way to search for information. This time, not by typing words. Rather, it uses your camera.

So, how does it work?

Well, there are two ways to do it.

  1. Point your camera at the object.
  2. Upload a picture of it.

Then, you can search for information about the object. This works either in the app or its websites.

But, why is this important? Also, does it really help in our everyday lives?

For one thing, it simplifies searching. And to help us understand this matter, let’s consider an example.

Let’s say you saw something. But, you’re not familiar with it. You don’t even know what it’s called.

Now, you want to know what it is. Or maybe its use.

But, how can you search for information? When you don’t even know what to type?

So, this is how visual search enters the picture. By simply taking a photo of it, you can search for it on the Internet.

Well, let’s say you want to buy that object. But, you don’t know where to.

Still, visual search can help. It suggests which shop you can buy. 

Plus, you can even see their price range. So, you can compare. Then, you’ll know which is cheaper.

Now, we know what visual search is. We also know how it works.

Then, let’s answer the question in the introduction. How do I do a visual search?

How Do I Do a Visual Search?

If you use search engines, of course, you need an Internet connection. So, you can access apps and websites.

In this article, let’s talk about the top websites and apps with this tool.

Google Image Search

Google’s search tool is one of the most famous apps. So, many people use it. But, how?

By using Lens, you can simply scan whatever object. It can even scan a shopping item, a math problem, or a restaurant. So, you can use it almost everywhere.

Pinterest Lens

Another tool is Pinterest Lens. But, this is more famous for its nice picture feed. So, those who love pictures love this app, too.

Pinterest Lens also searches for something based on the photo. But, you can also scan it to the object directly.

Finally, Pinterest will show you results. That is similar to your photo or what you uploaded.


Well, how do we do a visual search? Of course, we need to know more about it first. Then, it is vital to learn its benefits.

So, you’ll see how this new tool helps us in our daily lives.

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