E-commerce Ads

Tips in Running E-Commerce Ads for Better Marketing

Visibility is a game in e-commerce, not everyone wins enough visibility, but you can level up. So how can you run winning e-commerce ads?

E-commerce Ads Tips

Start Google Shopping

The first thing you have to do is get your products up on Google Shopping. If you are not on Google Shopping, it is time to put your act together. 

Learn from your competitors.

To be in the game, you need to understand what your competitors are doing, so that you can build a strategy that will help you win. 

Build a winning strategy

Set your goals, work out the best KPIs for your business and do something about the ads that underperform, or just don’t work. 

Understand data

Always pay attention to the performance of e-commerce ad campaigns and learn from what works and what doesn’t, but don’t let it discourage you if an ad campaign performs badly or not as expected; maybe it’s just that particular product doesn’t sell very well. 

Try and try until you get the best move

Keep trying different things until you find what works for you and your product; there is no one best strategy that will suit everyone in the e-commerce business, there are different strategies to suit different businesses. 

Use Different Types of Ads

Be prepared to experiment with different types of ads: text ads, image ads, site links, etc., because they are all different and might work better for you than the other types of ads. Try running highly targeted ads for a while; they tend to give higher CTRs than untargeted e-commerce ads 


Analyze the performance of each ad group in terms of its CTR and CPC and find out which works better for you and improve on that. 

Boost the images

When running image ads make sure that your product images are properly optimized; make sure they are clear enough for users to see them clearly even if they are small in size (which is how image ads appear). 

Improve Click-through-rates

Try running image ads with high-quality graphics that look more like site links than an advertisement; this helps improve click-through rates (CTR). 

Start small before you invest big

Start with a small budget at first until you have figured out whether your product is going to sell well or not. Then increase the budget and keep increasing it until you find what suits your products best in terms of budget and cost per customer acquired etc.

Also, do not change it unless there is a change in your goals or circumstances, etc. Because changing things now might cost you more than leaving them alone will benefit you later on when you start making more money from them. Which will help offset any negative effects caused by making changes at this stage of your marketing campaign. 

Use Negative Keyword Lists

Make sure your negative keyword lists are up-to-date all the time. This will help you keep the ads from showing on irrelevant searches. 

Start new ad groups when you have enough traffic

When your campaign has enough traffic for each ad group, start a new ad group for each of your product categories or subcategories to make sure you are reaching everyone.

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