visual search in ecommerce increases revenue

Visual Search in eCommerce Increases Revenue: How So?

How does visual search in eCommerce increases revenue? Also, how can it improve customer experience?

Read on to learn more.

The Need for Visual Search

Humans process up to 90% of visual information every day. Because of that, it raises the need and success of the visual search. Why so?

Visual search allows users to find what they can see. And it works in a very quick manner.

It also allows us to get recommendations based on visually similar items. Plus, this tech identifies items through what we snap.

Before the visual search, finding the exact thing we want is almost impossible. For one thing, we can’t always describe the item. We may even not know what its name is.

So, the buyer’s journey ends up being a friction-filled path. So, it often results in no purchase at all.

But with visual search in eCommerce, things become seamless and straightforward. Just one click and you’re good to go.

How Visual Search in eCommerce Increases Revenue

Since then, experts predict how visual search in eCommerce increases revenue. In fact, the global market will grow by 9% by 2023.

Today, more than 8% of retailers have visual search tools in their retails. But, they expect other brands to support visual search by 2021.

So, it will help them improve their sales. How so?

Early adopter brands will increase their revenue by 30%. And that’s a very huge improvement.

How Visual Search in eCommerce Works

But, how does visual search work?

For example, you are riding on a train. Then, you saw someone in front of you holding a very nice purse. And you want to buy the same one.

You could ask the lady about the shop. But, you wouldn’t because she’s fast asleep. Or maybe she’s not and you’re just too shy to do so.

Now, how would you know where you can buy the same purse?

You may try to search for it on Google. Or on your favorite online store. But, you couldn’t find the right words to describe it.

How would you know its material? Its details? Does it have gems? What about its fabric?

Before you know it, the lady in front of you is gone. And you’re only left there frustrated!

But, consider how visual search solves the problem.

With visual search, you just have to snap a photo of that purse. Then, the visual search engine will show you where you can buy it.

It will even compare prices. So, you can find one that fits your budget!

All it takes is just a few seconds! Then, you’ll have that purse of your dreams.

Visual Search in eCommerce and Customer Experience

The example we considered above is the benefit on the customer’s side. Aside from the ease, visual search also improves the customer experience.

Usually, if shoppers can’t find something they want on an online store, they would just close tabs. When they get frustrated with the description, or when they don’t know the name of the item.

But, visual search makes the process easier for them. So, they can also easily check the item out.

And if they are satisfied with the experience, they are more likely to buy again. So, the online store will keep customers.

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