How Have Social Technologies Changed E-commerce

How Have Social Technologies Changed E-commerce in 5 Ways

How have social technologies changed e-commerce? 

With today’s getting-busier schedules, people most often time to spare for shopping in physical stores. Although physical stores still sell. But people are opting more for convenience and mobility, mostly. Not to mention that during the pandemic, this need is better realized by both consumers and retailers. 

In this post, let us take a review of how have social technologies changed e-commerce. So we will be listing the 5 most common ways that it does so.

How Have Social Technologies Changed E-commerce

1. Offers more payment options

One of the major concerns of consumers in e-commerce is the security risk of electronic payments. The numbers of fraud reports and data breaches are concerning. No doubt they take the headlines most often.

However, today social technologies were able to make the way of it. For instance, more secure and easier checkout processes are now made available.

Aside from credit and debit card payments, the following mode of payments, for example, are here:

  • eWallets
  • Google Pay
  • Bitcoin

2. Streamlines the sales of digital files & more

Technologies surpass what you can sell in a physical store. Online retailers today can sell anything even digital. For example, you can sell services, music, and even training sessions on the cloud. 

Aside from this, click funnel plugins are also gaining popularity in e-commerce. It enables the selling and delivery of online products, for instance.

On the other hand, showcasing talents and knowledge through social media platforms is also another means to earn. Social media sites like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok are homes to global talents.

Lastly, cloud storage drives also surpass the capacity of physical storage devices. Not to mention that with cloud storage, you can easily upgrade and manage files. Famous examples of this are Google Drive, DropBox, and OneDrive for Microsoft.

3. Chatbots for customer satisfaction

Keeping in touch with customers is now possible even when you are away. Automating chatbots is now the norm in customer service. This enables better customer relations and faster response rates, for example.

4. Social shopping

In any social media platform you browse, you see products and promotions. In other means, this is done through entertaining videos and engaging posts, for instance.

Another major influence on this is social media influencers. These people are highly influential to their followers’ purchasing decisions. Gaining their recommendations and promotions is one effective way of raising brand awareness and reaching more traffic.

Lastly, social shopping is now more comfortable with social commerce. With social commerce, your users can easily shop, browse, and check out products within social media shops. Famous platforms are Facebook Shops, Instagram Shopping, and Pinterest pins.

5. Push notifications & applications

Push notifications make it easier for retailers to reach their customers even when they are not shopping. Before, retailers and brands make use of email campaigns. But most often, these ads fall in the spam folders. 

But with push notifications, consumers are more engaged. People are most often on their phones. Thus making this feature harder not to notice.

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