Best E-Commerce Platform For Visual Searches

Best E-Commerce Platform For Visual Searches- 6 Best Practices

Uncover the best practices of the best e-commerce platform for visual searches.

Visual Search Today

Visual search technology is the use of images for searching. That is, instead of text or voice (voice search). This technology is made possible with the use of AI or artificial intelligence technology.

It has upgraded the way people shop. In return, this technology has changed e-commerce services dramatically.

In addition, the visual search does wonders in today’s search experience. For instance, it not only eases the user’s end. But it drives more visibility for businesses as well. 

Google is currently playing the lead in today’s visual search. For instance, it’s application- Google Lens. this application does not only provide similar images. But it allows users to shop directly, translate, know business hours, and transcript text.

As you see, the visual search’s possibilities are scalable and endless. 

Let us see the best practices of the best e-commerce platform for visual searches.

Optimizing The Visual Search Game

Visual search is currently in the making of more innovations. However, you should not wait until its full blow.

Do you know that up to 93 percent of shoppers opt for visual search? They further state that this feature is very influential for their shopping decisions

While it is in the making, why not stay ahead by optimizing your site’s visual search experience?

6 Best Practices Of Integrating Visual Search For E-Commerce

Like any other marketing strategy, integrating visual search works well with its best practices. Yes, it doesn’t work for itself. But you have to work for it. That’s how the magic goes.

Even with simple twists and turns, you can optimize the way you integrate visual search for your shop.

For example, here are 6 best practices for you.

High-Quality & Multiple Images

The quality of your images speaks much of the quality of your service. So make sure images easily load, and are not pixelated.

Also, since you’re showcasing products. Ensure to provide images of different angles. This also contributes to the visibility rate of your product.

Image Text

Optimize your SEO grade with keywords. These texts include the following:

  • Alt tags or Alt Descriptions
  • Title tags
  • File names
  • Captions

Images With Your Sitemaps

Consider including pictures along with your sitemaps. You can include this upon submission or revision.

Image Badges

Image badges were initially used by Google in 2017. They have used this along with their image search feature.

These badges are like simple overlay labels. For instance, it tells more about the image. Categories include the following:

  • Recipe,
  • Video
  • Products
  • GIFS (animations)

You can follow instructions from Google. For you to add these categories as markups on your page. Thus, it lets these badges show up on your photos.

Optimize Image Sizes & Formats

There are ways to optimize your images for better visual search visibility. Google foremost encourages these practices. 

  • Vector or raster images
  • Scalable images
  • Image quality
  • Image load speed

Run Tests

Run data tests on your site itself. This helps you have a holistic view of your performance. For example, Google has its free structured data testing tool.

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